23 March 2009

swans on the bay

there's a flock of swans

across the bay
sixteen of them
bright white
against the charcoal water

we stand at the window
through binoculars

their long necks stretch
heads wave
as they float
clustered together
surrounded by seagulls

it's the first time we've seen
more than two swans
on the inlet
a whole flock 
-- do you think they're on 
their migration north?
-- they must be
a whole flock
-- wow
--that's a lot

the flock lifts and turns north
- there they go
-- they're on their way
they lift
silhouetted against the mountain
they turn
-- looks like they're making a V
-- there they go!
and the they sift
and head back 
towards the cove
mirrored against the still water
they land again

we watch for awhile
then get busy
making toast
pouring coffee
a dash of white
catches my eye as
the flock lifts again
and heads north

we watch
until they're out of sight
and then
they are gone.
