25 April 2012

Osprey in the Cove

It's not often we see 
an osprey on the inlet
but today was 
a real bird day - 
loons in the morning,
a grouse in the afternoon
and an osprey before dinner
swooping over the island
scaring the geese
looking for a meal
of goose egg omelet
which he didn't get

Grouse Message

we hiked today
up Sugar Mountain
along the ridge trail
in the spring mist 
as rain threatened any moment
and stopped for lunch
at the lookout
as you do
above Sasamat Lake
Bedwell Bay and Indian Arm
and as we sat on the mossy forest floor
we heard a rustle 

in the underbrush
sat still
and along came a grouse

pecking at the huckleberry leaves
he looked at us
we looked at him
expecting him to take flight
but no, he came closer 

tipped his head 
wondering what we were 
I suppose
and then closer again
and within two feet of us
he circled
pecking and poking 
at the underbrush
peeking at us
listening it seemed 
as we talked
and then came 

around the front 
and stood 
and looked at us 
quite curiously
as if he had something to say
a message perhaps
or was listening for one
or both

Here's the link to the trail map: http://g.co/maps/2pn4p

24 April 2012

four fat loons

four fat loons
swimming by...
today in Whiskey Cove

10 April 2012

Duck Tail 2012

In Whiskey Cove today  
I saw one of the goldeneye ducks
with its transmitter tail.
He was in a large flock of goldeneyes
headed north at the end of our winter.

Can you spot the duck with the transmitter tail? Hint: front right center...

Diving for mussels under the dock

Male goldeneye duck with transmitter tail April 2012

Flock of goldeneye ducks - Indian Arm BC 2012

The goldeneyes are late leaving the coast this year...but should be gone any day now.
For more information on the ducks with transmitter tails, read previous post and also visit the Sea Duck Joint Venture.