11 December 2009

books...of course

oh yes
I have a few books
ready to go
on blurb.com

check them out
if you like...

See my published books

04 December 2009

December Minnekhada walk

Originally uploaded by youwhocolleen
a heron sits
at creekside
reflected in the
still water

20 November 2009

belcarra morning

big log just sailed by
loaded with

the aquarium boat
is on its way to
train sea lions

there's a big raft
of winter ducks
out front

crow is coming
for bread

such a great Belcarra

03 November 2009

morning moon

the moon's
still awake
this morning ~
good morning

01 November 2009

Goldeneye Ducks back in Vancouver November 1 2009

like clockwork,
the Goldeneyes are back
in Vancouver

It's November 1
and the Winter Ducks
have returned to Burrard Inlet
and Indian Arm

We cycled around Stanley Park today
and discovered a huge raft of winter ducks:
Barrow's Goldeneyes
Common Goldeneyes
and Scoters
putting on a show just off
Siwash Rock
doing all their duck things!

come on down and see them!

08 August 2009

three crow babies

three crow babies closeup

here's our resident crow
with three babies
this year
dug the clam
out of the sand
flew to the rock
dropped it
pried open the shell
and fed
the squawking babies
then went back
for more

16 July 2009

Diana's Seagulls


High on a rooftop
in Vancouver
there are seven nests
and lots of seagull chicks
Here's a few pictures
of them

ps - click on picture to see the whole set in Flickr

seagull chick

turkish seagull chick flying

Newly hatched
and ready
to fly

20 June 2009

Cycling in Turkey


top of the hill
an exhausting climb
looking down over the bay
our boat awaits
cruise down hill
we did it!
(click on pix to see the whole set)

31 March 2009


went for a walk
got caught up on
all the

there’s a great horned owl
near the tennis courts
spotted last week
might have a nest

the Barred owl is about
this year’s eggs
might be hatching
any day

there’s a couple of
house finches
watching the walkers
along Marine Avenue
you might see them
when you go past

two kinds of chickadees
are up there
in the cedar tree
looks like they’re fighting over
a territory

--what was that noise?
oh – that’s a crazy bluejay
quite unusual
(I wonder if that’s
politically correct these days)

the chickadee stump
seems to have disappeared
maybe came down
in that last wind
big one, wasn’t it?

there’s a seagull nest
near Twin Islands
and a pigeon guillemont nest
further up the inlet
and there’s the goose nest
on Whiskey Cove Island
and others about
and don’t forget the eagles
looks like the juveniles
are building this year

yup –
lots going on
in the neighbourhood
these days

keep your eyes open
for that owl
won’t you?

23 March 2009

swans on the bay

there's a flock of swans

across the bay
sixteen of them
bright white
against the charcoal water

we stand at the window
through binoculars

their long necks stretch
heads wave
as they float
clustered together
surrounded by seagulls

it's the first time we've seen
more than two swans
on the inlet
a whole flock 
-- do you think they're on 
their migration north?
-- they must be
a whole flock
-- wow
--that's a lot

the flock lifts and turns north
- there they go
-- they're on their way
they lift
silhouetted against the mountain
they turn
-- looks like they're making a V
-- there they go!
and the they sift
and head back 
towards the cove
mirrored against the still water
they land again

we watch for awhile
then get busy
making toast
pouring coffee
a dash of white
catches my eye as
the flock lifts again
and heads north

we watch
until they're out of sight
and then
they are gone.


10 March 2009


Align Right

cormorants dive deep
to catch fish
and need to 
dry their wings

Indian Arm, BC