12 May 2006

Rare Sighting on the Fjord!

Heard a loud scree this morning
"What was that????"
Jumped out of bed
and saw
Two Oystercatchers
on the island

Now that's something
you don't see very often
on Indian Arm

Well actually,
I haven't heard of any
Oystercatchers around
these parts
maybe because there
aren't too many oysters?

So it was a great sighting
and not too bad a picture
through the digiscope . . .

Black Oystercatcher
Haematopus bachmani
- a jet black shorebird similar in size to a crow
- long orange beak and pink legs
- eats shellfish, limpets, chitons, snails
- pries open shells with its long beak

More pix and info at http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/eco/taxalab/stewartm.htm

Fun on the Fjord . . .