08 April 2006

The Art of Cycling

Jeannette, Francien, Judi and I 

started up the hill 
at Myrta Hayes pottery studio, 
cycled along Alderside Road 
to Gay Torlay's amazing studio, 
headed up the hill to Tammi Pilon's, 
and followed the creek to Maggie White's. 

La Mercante made a delicious lunch 
and then we explored 
around Queen's Street Square, 
visited Alison Philpott 
at Sheila Francis' renovated heritage office, 
and smelled the flowers at Vivio. 

We found Mr.Glenn Atkinson 
at the Perry Roe building, 
stopped in at the old City Hall gallery, 
the little yellow garage studio 
of Martha Melmetis 
and the saw the Spirit Bear sculptures 
of Ross Agro. 

In time for tea and scones 
at The Muse, 
we enjoyed a Korean concert. 
Over the new bridge, 
a stop at the Electronic Arts 
and back to our cars at the Rec Centre.

Port Moody is now the City of the Art of Cycling.

© Colleen MacDonald 2006