18 January 2006

Seal and Salmon

Out my window I spot a sea otter pulling a salmon up onto our rock islet. It drags the fish onto a ledge, and tears it apart.
Seagulls and crows hover nearby.

I run for my camera and dash down the stone steps, snapping pictures.
The otter sits up and looks at me, then slides down the rock and into the ocean.

The water is as clear as a swimming pool. The otter glides towards where I'm standing on the dock and slips underneath.

Seagulls and crows land on the island and attack the fish carcass.

An eagle swoops into the cove and clings to the tall fir tree, weighing down the branches.
The sea otter climbs back onto the rock, finishing its catch.

The eagle circles above the otter. The otter looks up then slides away, and the eagle lands and rips the salmon apart. Seagulls and crows scream and swoop overhead. The eagle looks nervous and takes flight. Seagulls chase it in circles around the cove, then out of sight.

Looking out my window at Whiskey Cove.
