02 March 2010

Queen of the Olympics

Guess who had the most fun at the Olympics?

Most PotLuck Dinners +
Most Out-of-Town Guests in Condo +
Most People dropping by Quatchie House on Seymour Street +
Most Beer in Fridge +

Queen of the Olympics = Josie Cowan

Olympic Reflection

we who live
in Vancouver
are back at home
sitting still
how tired we are!!

looking back over
the blur that was the Olympics

17 fantastic days 
of celebration 
and partying 
and learning something new
about ourselves

I was in the river of people
on Granville Street Sunday 
after the hockey gold medal win
and it was something 
never seen
before on Vancouver streets

A throng of people
families with strollers
kids on their shoulders
A sea of red and white 
flags waving
People of all ages
old folks (like me)

 pushed along
jostled to Robson
a tide of people
moving and swaying

we carved our way
out of the crush
and headed to
the Closing Ceremonies
feeling sad
does it really have to end?

The Olympics was so very 
very much fun!

We Vancouverites 
have just had 
THE BEST party ever!

And looking forward 
to more ...