06 December 2005
Night Owl
Shakespeare – Belcarra’s Night Owl
We have an owl living in Belcarra. When walking at night its calls echo against the rock cliffs. It is often seen sitting on the gravel near Midden Road or perched in a nearby tree. We’ve named it Shakespeare, as it is a Barred Owl.
The other night we went looking for it ... binoculars, flashlight and camera in hand. We looked for awhile and couldn't see it, but on the way home -- there it was – on a tree branch near Turtlehead and Belcarra Bay Road. We stopped and gazed at it for a long time then it spread its wings and flew high up into a tree.
We bumped into neighbours who were out owl-searching and as we talked, the owl swooped down low over us and we had to duck our heads. It landed in a tree, 10 feet away from us, seemingly as curious about us as we were of it. It wasn’t afraid at all -- it gave us a good show of his head-turning capabilities.
Keep your eyes open, slow down a bit and maybe you will have a chance to see it one day soon!
Wahoo -- or is it Whoo-hoo?
The Barred Owl is a medium-sized gray-brown owl streaked with white horizontal barring on the chest and vertical barring on the belly. It has a round-head, brown eyes, and yellow beak. It is a nocturnal bird and hides in dense foliage during the day, usually high up. The Barred Owl is a highly vocal Owl giving a loud and resounding "hoo, hoo, too-HOO; which is often phrased as "Who, cooks, for-you? A Barred Owl can sometimes be seen hunting before dark for mice, squirrels, bats, and birds.
picture and information from: http://www.owlpages.com/
A boat full of parents.
in a dinghy
at Belcarra
on the way to the Raven
near Deep Cove
... fun!
04 December 2005
Hy mom, this blogging thing is super-easy to do.
I think you'll have FUN using this for your stories about birds and seals and fun.
It's easy to put pictures up too!
I can change how it looks for you and the URL address too - everything really.
All you'll need to do is write stuff down and send it to a special email address.
anyhow, call me when you're ready to start writing stuff...
this is a great place for you to post some of your children's book ideas
12 April 2005
The Colleen MacDonald Blog
Welcome to Colleen's Window...